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Seine river cruise docking

View and download maps to locate where CroisiEurope ships dock in major European town and cities on the Seine river. The information about boarding quays is provided here so that you can prepare for your upcoming Croisieurope river cruise. Details about embarkation and debarkation points will be sent by post prior to your cruise along with all the boarding documents needed and further details about your river cruise itinerary.

Please note :

The details and documentation provided are non-binding and supplied for information purposes only. They can be updated without notice.

This information will be sent out to you with your boarding ticket(s) for your cruise before the departure date.

Boarding in Paris - quai de Grenelle

Click to download the map and all the information you need to access the boarding dock in Paris, quai de Grenelle (PDF) :

Boarding in Honfleur

Cliquez to download the access map of the boarding deck at Honfleur, quai Tostain (PDF) :